The Tomb of The Hero Darma Patria Jaya This tomb beralamtkan on the road Adi Sucipto, Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya regency. This place is often used as a pilgrimage ceremony to pray for the heroes who have been instrumental for the city of Pontianak in particular and Indonesia generally. The activity was followed by the police, TNI, and government apparatus. In addition to being a pilgrimage facility, the front yard of the great hero's tomb is used as a sporting activity by the local community. Because of its strategic and spacious place is crowded visited by visitors, especially on holidays this place is usually crowded filled by the children and adolescents who are doing sports activities. In addition to the extensive field this place also has a fish pond, which many residents around who take the time to fish the place. For those of you who want to visit the place is guaranteed free and safe. With ...