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- How many levels of government does Indonesia have? Mention each one of them
- If asked to choose one province in Indonesia besides west Borneo in accordance with the field of mechanical engineering, why?
- With your group members, create a short presentation to explain about the differences between the U.S government and the Indonesia government.
Answer :
- Central government, local government level I, central government level II, district level government, Village level government
- We chose West Java, because there are many companies and industrial plants
- United States of America : 1.Adheres to the trias of pure politics (separation of powers) 2. Has a bicameral legislative body 3. Legislative institutions (congress) can bring down the president 4. Known impeachment which is congress rights 5. President has a veto on congress's decision 6. Only know dual party 7. The President is elected by the electoral college. Indonesia: 1. Adheres to the principle of trias politica modification (power sharing) 2. Legislative body is Unicameral 3. DPR can only recommend to ask for accountability of president 4. No known impeachment 5. President has no veto 6. Party life is Multi Party 7 The President is elected by the people through elections.
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