BERBAGAI OLEH-OLEH KHAS MAGELANG Going somewhere becomes incomplete if you do not buy souvenirs or souvenirs. Each city must have a typical souvenir, one of them Magelang. City of a million flowers has a typical souvenir that is not less delicious than other cities. Here are some typical foods that can be used as a souvenir: Gethuk Trio Public Relations and Advertising, Noor Aini Rachmawati, explains the getuk that has three distinctive colors white, brown and pink is soft texture and has a sweet taste savory. "There are several kinds of brand trio getuk is quite famous, including Gethuk Eco," he explained in a press release received Gethuk Bolen Gethuk this gethuk mix with puff pastry dough that coats getuk. Usually bolen banana contents, this time bolen with the content of getuk. Imagine the sweetness of getuk combined with tasty bolen, delicious. Slondok Chips Processed cassava made light snacks. This Slondok M...