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Tugas 8 Favorite traveling experience

Tourist attractions in the slopes of Mount Merapi
                 I will tell you a little history about Mount Merapi. Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes located in Central Java. This location is located in Tegal Randu Village, Srumbung District, Magelang Regency, Central Java. This mountain has kept various events and natural wealth from the Almighty. According to the results of analysis of this mountain research will experience eruption every 4 years. From my personal experience, I experienced the event from 1998, 2002, 2006, and the last most terrible of 2010. At that time, economic conditions, social, trade, traffic flow, and others suffered severe damage. Especially the distance of our settlement from the peak of Merapi about 7 km. So this is a lot of harm to the local community.
                 Besides detrimental to the positive impact of eruption of Mount Merapi that is, the number of materials such as stone and sand. Then the economic condition becomes soaring because the soil hit by volcanic ash becomes fertile, even doubled from the original fertility. This place becomes crowded from the activities of the locals who do rock and sand mining. This is where locals earn their daily income.
                 Over time the government held a forest preservation around the slopes of Mount Merapi. Moreover, the government has planned the place to be a place of tourism or recreation. As a result after several months of work this place becomes increasingly crowded from visitors, both from local residents and from out of town. Naturally, if this place is crowded visitors, because this place the air is fresh, cool, and has beautiful scenery. For every visitors who come will be pampered with the beauty of natural scenery.
                   In Mount Merapi is a lot of mastarakat activities or visitors of which there are climbing, relaxing, playing sports, camping and so forth. Around the slopes of Mount Merapi are all well suited for fun activities, one of which is a regular visit or just enjoy the natural scenery. Here there are still many species of animals and plants that may have been rare elsewhere. Starting from species of birds, wild animals, herbivorous animals, and various other plants.
                     In this area often held camping activities together which is certainly very exciting and interesting. Not a few people are tempted to want to follow these activities. Many tourists join in the activity, thus making the relationship more closely and getting to know each other. In this activity there is also a unique slogan, namely: "Coming together together, hard to happy together." From the motto it is very clear that the sense of kinship and togetherness a top priority. The longer the activity is the more crowded enthusiasts.
                     For those of you who are on vacation to Central Java do not forget to visit this one tour. Because here is very fun for vacation and travel. Not only that the entry ticket Rp.0 in other words free can enjoy the natural beauty with unlimited. Who has not tried would be curious. Hurry on vacation may be useful and fun. Thank you
